reading picks, lean management Lukas Breucha reading picks, lean management Lukas Breucha

GRIT The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Reading Pick of the day! GRIT - The Power of Passion and Perseverance - by Angela Duckworth.

Today’s reading pick:

GRIT- The Power of Passion and Perseverance 

University of Pennsylvania professor of psychology and MacArthur Genius Angela Duckworth founded an award-winning summer school for low-income children and created β€œThe Character Lab”, has advised the World Bank, NFL and NBA teams.

This book goes straight in the help yourself section. With Duckworth’s combination of advices and how to guidance this book is worth a read.

I love the simple and easy to read writing. Each chapter can be seen as a standalone reflection of ideas. There is no need to start from the beginning, you can start from each chapter and go forward. If you want to read the complete book from the beginning to the end, it might be a little bit tedious.

In the book its all about grit, Angela describes with the help of the β€œGrit-Scale” how she can predict someone’s success. On one example she forecasts who will drop out before the end of the first year at West Point. Quiet exactly…

Grit is made up of passion and perseverance. If you care about what you do, you’re more likely to keep on going. If you keep doing something you love, you’re likely to grow on loving it more and more. But if you lack either dedication or love, you’ll have difficulties getting things done. If you dislike what you do at work day after day, you won’t care about getting better at it.

Looking for personal growth and life hacks, this book gives you useful hints and tricks.

Have fun reading it!

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