reading picks, lean management Lukas Breucha reading picks, lean management Lukas Breucha

2 Second Lean

Reading Pick of the day! 2 Second Lean - by Paul A. Akers.

Today’s reading pick:

2 Second Lean

The author Paul A. Akers an entrepreneur and business writer brings in this book all his experience from transforming his own business into a “2 Second Lean” culture.

This book is written like a manual for everyone who wants to know the before and after effect of lean transformation. The good part of it, which makes it easy to read, is that he avoids discussing theories and the engineering language of the manufacturing industry.

If you want to improve yourself or simply getting things done the lean way, on the shop floor as well as in your organization, this book is the right choice.

Enjoy reading and improving!

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reading picks, lean management Lukas Breucha reading picks, lean management Lukas Breucha

Living the 80/20 way

Reading Pick of the day! Living the 80/20 way - by Richard Koch.

Today’s reading pick:

Living the 80/20 Way

This book brings it all together. It shows that you really don’t need much to be happy. Trying to bring it in a nutshell it says focus on the first three levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, everything else is unnecessary. Use your time efficiently and get rid of the obstacles to happiness.

Richard Koch applies the 80/20 rule in almost all facets of life - really a refreshing book on how to look at things.

Enjoy reading and learning!

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reading picks, lean management Lukas Breucha reading picks, lean management Lukas Breucha

5S Project

Reading Pick of the day! How to carry out a 5S project - by Mickaël Réquillard.

Today’s reading pick:

How to carry out a 5S project

5S is mainly common sense, really simple and when you are strict a very powerful tool! Before you think about starting any improvement process or workshop start with a 5S session, it’s the perfect starting point for following continuous improvement processes. The best part > it requires only a few resources, everyone can join and afterwards you have visible results. The charming thing about 5S is that you will be able to improve in small steps in all areas like quality, performance, safety and the complete work environment.

This reading pick will show you the methodology as well as real doing and conducting of 5S Sessions. It is a great guidance and a step by step instruction with lots of advices and practical tools that will allow you to conduct your 5S project from A-Z.

5S is relevant everywhere - on the shop floor, at the office or even at home!

Enjoy reading and learning!

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