The Language of Lean Lukas Breucha The Language of Lean Lukas Breucha

Internal Setup

Internal Setup, also known as Machine Changeover or Equipment Changeover, is a critical aspect of Lean Manufacturing. It refers to the process of switching a production machine from one product or production run to another.

Internal Setup, also known as Machine Changeover or Equipment Changeover, is a critical aspect of Lean Manufacturing. It refers to the process of switching a production machine from one product or production run to another. This process can be time-consuming and impact the overall efficiency of a manufacturing plant. For this reason, Lean experts have developed techniques to optimize the Internal Setup process and minimize downtime.

The Internal Setup process can be seen as a non-value-adding (NVA) activity. NVA activities are those that do not directly contribute to the production of a good or service. In the case of Internal Setup, it is necessary but does not add any value to the final product. The goal of Lean is to minimize NVA activities, and the Internal Setup process is no exception.

One of the key strategies for optimizing Internal Setup is to standardize the process. This can be achieved by creating detailed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that outline each step of the setup process. SOPs should include clear instructions, diagrams, and photos to help guide employees through the process. The SOPs should also be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure they are up-to-date and accurate.

In addition to standardizing the process, Lean experts also focus on reducing the time required for Internal Setup. This can be achieved through a combination of reducing the number of steps required and streamlining the process. For example, the use of Quick Changeover fixtures or tools can reduce the time required to changeover a machine. Other strategies include minimizing the number of tools required, using visual aids to guide employees through the process, and using checklists to ensure all steps are completed.

Another important aspect of optimizing Internal Setup is employee engagement and involvement. Lean experts believe that employees who are involved in the process are more likely to take ownership of the process and be more committed to making it as efficient as possible. Encouraging employees to identify areas for improvement and participate in Kaizen events can also help drive continuous improvement.

Finally, it is important to monitor and evaluate the Internal Setup process on a regular basis. This can be done by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as changeover time, number of changeovers, and machine downtime. The KPIs can be used to identify areas for improvement and measure the success of continuous improvement initiatives.

In a nutshell, Internal Setup is a critical aspect of Lean Manufacturing and Operational Excellence. To optimize the process and minimize downtime, Lean experts focus on standardizing the process, reducing the time required, involving employees, and monitoring and evaluating the process. By following these principles, manufacturers can achieve a more efficient and streamlined Internal Setup process, resulting in increased productivity, reduced waste, and improved bottom-line results.

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The Language of Lean Lukas Breucha The Language of Lean Lukas Breucha

Standard Work Combination Sheet

In lean management, a standard work combination sheet is a document that displays the process steps for one or several employees. It is used to show the optimal combination of human and machine work.

In lean management, a standard work combination sheet is a document that displays the process steps for one or several employees. It is used to show the optimal combination of human and machine work. The sheet includes information on the timing values between different steps of the process, including manual work time, walk time, and machine processing time. The data recorded on the sheet is analyzed to identify any significant waste or delays in the process, and can be used to help determine the direction the company needs to take to address these issues. The sheet can also be used to evaluate the performance of individual employees, such as identifying if someone is overburdened with tasks or underutilized. Let’s go in a little bit detail in the following.

Standardized Work Combination Sheet

A Standardized Work Combination Sheet is a document that provides an overview of the interactions and timing between different parts of the work process. It displays how the various timing values such as manual work time, walk time, and machine processing time, combine and interact with each other. The sheet is designed to capture key data that is relevant to the understanding of the workflow and timing of the process.

What you should record

The data for each individual operator working on the floor is recorded in the Combination Sheet, and then analyzed using various forms of analysis. This sheet is useful for identifying any significant waste in delays between separate process steps, and can provide a clear indication of the direction the company needs to take to address these issues.

The most important points recorded in the sheet are the time required for human and machine movement, all based on the Takt Time. The sheet can help the company quantitatively evaluate an individual worker's performance and identify if they are overburdened by their current tasks.

Additionally, it can also reveal if a particular employee could be utilized more effectively. Often, companies may not realize that one of their workers is underutilized, spending less time performing actual work than expected. By properly recording and analyzing data using relevant tools to standardize the working environment, all the information will be easily accessible.

Eliminate waste

The Combination Sheet can help identify and eliminate waste in the production process by observing data recorded on the sheet, such as the time operators spend waiting for machines to complete tasks, waiting for input from other machines, or waiting for other operators to perform their tasks.

While some waiting may be necessary and an inherent part of the work process, it can be challenging to distinguish between necessary and unnecessary downtime. The Combination Sheet provides a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the production process and an objective view of each individual's involvement.

The data collected from the sheet is well-suited for graphical representation and can be easily analyzed using visualization tools. It may be incorporated into the sheet itself or handled by another department. The most crucial aspect is that the data is collected and organized correctly, as it can always be processed later.

How accurate should it be

The level of precision required for timing measurements can vary depending on the nature of your organizations processes. In some cases, it may not be necessary to record times down to the last second, such as when processes typically take over ten minutes. On the other hand, if the organization relies on many small and fast-paced processes, it may be necessary to use external devices to measure time as it would be difficult for a human operator to keep up.

It is essential to ensure that all data is measured consistently, as this is what establishes the validity of the data for later analysis. It is not advisable to round off one part of the data set while keeping another precise as it can lead to statistical deviations that are challenging to explain.

So what does it mean?

Employees may initially be uncertain about their new responsibilities related to completing the Combination Sheet, but taking the time to provide guidance and training can lead to significant improvements in the overall efficiency of the organization. Standard work can bring about significant changes in a company, but it is important to be patient and provide clear instructions during the initial implementation process. It can be a challenging transition, which is why it is essential to be well-versed in all the tools and techniques involved.

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