Understanding A3

Today’s reading pick:

Understanding A3 thinking

A3 is a given systematic in the lean management world. This book can be seen as a manual for developing an A3 beyond just the format and functionality. The authors take you on a little journey of the development, the usage of the A3 at Toyota and the systematic approach behind it incl. the well known PDCA methodology.

The authors make it very clear that the philosophy of problem solving and the underling process of continuous improvement matter far more than only the layout of the A3 report. At Toyota the permanent use of PDCA and the A3 methodology has developed generations of critically questioning problem solvers with the positive effect of daily continuous improvements putting Toyota first in the field.

KEY take aways of this book

  • Toyota remains among the world’s most successful car manufactures.

  • The PDCA and A3 methodology strives for the ultimate philosophy of continuous improvement.

  • The A3 thinking process orientates itself among seven crucial elements that support visualization and a common understanding.

  • The A3 format can be individual adjusted based on the needs.

  • Toyota is mainly using the PDCA based A3 process for problem solving, status reports and proposals.

  • Don’t use the A3 report always in the same way. As mentioned before, style and form depend on the matter and should support the understanding.

Enjoy reading and improving!


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