

A Paradigm is a fundamental idea about reality, frequently unquestioned and difficult to change, that conditions all our thinking about and even our physical perceptions of the world or some aspect of experience.

Paradigm / Paradigm Shift

The framework of a paradigm is to think about something and can be considered as a technical or scientific discipline. Just think about the paradigm that big lot sizes are good concerning a machining process where the machine itself has long set up times, or that lean principles only effect the shop floor while having no influence on administrative tasks.

Paradigms are often considered as things that can’t be changed and therefore negatively determine the way we think about solving problems. Just think about automation of non value adding tasks > this is truly waste. So taking a wrong paradigm and building on them will reinforce the root cause of the problem itself and bring you no benefit.

Of course there are some paradigms that are right but do not hesitate to question and challenge them.

When talking about a shift of paradigm this means nothing more than changing the perspective of one frame to another. Changing the paradigm is a challenging process just think about for how many decades people where thinking the world is flat…




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