Little Production System Lukas Breucha Little Production System Lukas Breucha

Ideas and solutions

Ideas and solutions as one key element of every production system - so it has to be in the series of “little production system”.

Ideas and solutions are our daily companions in manufacturing industry. For real operational excellence the continuous improvement is key - one part of it is the proper problem solving therefore we are having this article in the series “little production system”, to have a short look at the idea and solutions criteria.


The Ideas and Solutions element describes methods for the systematic creation of ideas that serve the continuous improvement of all company processes.

The targets:

  1. Systematic identification, elimination and avoidance of waste of all kinds is promoted, involving all employees of the company.

  2. The element has the task of making the creativity and knowledge of all employees available to the company.

Key elements:

  1. Targeted application of problem-solving techniques

  2. Interdisciplinary problem-solving teams for direct implementation

  3. Idea > Implementation > Standardization

  4. Premium (simple, unbureaucratic handling, rapid implementation)

  5. Works agreement CIP

  6. Raising awareness of problems

Self assessing the levels of fulfillment for your Ideas and solution process in your organization.

Cost reduction

Level 1

Specialists carry out partial improvements. Decisions are not made at all or only by upper management.

Level 2

Improvement mainly by specialists. Targets are set at departmental level. These must be achieved, no matter how. The costs for labour and material per unit are transparent. Standard costs are defined, monitoring mechanisms are in place.

Level 3

Clear objectives / target topics for waste reduction are defined (stocks, rejects, responsibility for indirect costs at factory level). Teams carry out cost reduction.

Level 4

Potentials are determined by value analysis. Clear goals and action plans are developed and implemented. Unit leaders prepare budgets for direct and indirect costs, make recommendations for targets and coordinate them with superiors and colleagues. 

Level 5

Budget responsibility at team level. Released resources are used for further optimization.


Level 1

Productivity improvement through isolated instructions to work "more". Waste is ignored.

Level 2

Attempts are made to eliminate obvious waste and balance workloads. For the employees regular information on the performance of the company and its own performance level is provided.

Level 3

The eye for non-obvious waste is sharpened. Analytical waste analyses are carried out. Data is processed to compare value added to waste. Indirect activities are included and improved.

Level 4

In the reduction of waste, great importance is attached to details. Principles of economy of movement are applied. Analytical skills are developed.

Level 5

Continuous performance improvement based on agreed targets and action plans by teams. Customers and suppliers are involved.

Employee involvement

Level 1

No passing on of own implementation only for self-interest, no standardization. Hardly any formal improvement, "This is not my job, others are responsible".

Level 2

The existing system serves more for external presentation. Proposals are submitted, but implemented by others. Meetings take place regularly.

Level 3

A structured system has been introduced, but is only used by < 50% of employees. Resources are available. Everyone knows value-adding from non-value-adding activity to separate. Employees are relocating on site. Targets are agreed. Evaluation of development through process and result audits.

Level 4

CIP is part of your daily work. Core topics are intended to stimulate the imagination. Employees work together as a team on cross-team and cross-functional improvements. Infrastructure and resources are available for teamwork and on-site implementation.

Level 5

Improvements and their implementation are carried out autonomously by teams. Recognition programs (e.g. company visits, joint activities ...) are carried out.

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