Learning to See

Today’s reading pick:

Learning to see

Learning to see is a lean must have and you can call it a real classic in the lean world. This is the holy book of value stream mapping. With value stream mapping you are very fast on describing a process and find out where MUDA appears and how to eliminate it. With VSM you have a great tool to show your given process, analyze it, smooth it out and test some options, before you even touch machinery or equipment. It gives you a blue print of your future process.”

The book Learning to See - using Value Stream Design to Increase Value Creation and Eliminate Waste. The method of value stream design has proven to be an easy to apply and at the same time very effective tool for designing highly efficient and customer-oriented value streams in the production of products and services. The workbook: Learning to See - conveys the method in a practical way with the help of a continuous example and numerous illustrations.

This book is a real classic and should be standing in every shelf of a person that wants to go deeper in the lean world.

Enjoy reading and improving!


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