Break Through Objectives

Operational Excellence experts know the importance of establishing clear, measurable, and achievable goals in any organization. This is particularly true in the realm of Lean Management, where continuous improvement is key to success. In this context, Breakthrough Objectives play a vital role in driving progress and achieving sustainable change.

But what are Breakthrough Objectives and why are they so important? Simply put, Breakthrough Objectives are ambitious, long-term goals that aim to transform an organization and its processes. They go beyond the traditional incremental improvements that Lean Management focuses on, and aim for truly radical change. By establishing Breakthrough Objectives, organizations can focus their efforts on the most important improvements and create a clear vision for their future.

So, how can a Lean organization successfully implement and adopt Breakthrough Objectives? There are several key steps to follow:

  1. Clarify the vision: Before setting Breakthrough Objectives, it is important to have a clear understanding of the organization’s vision and direction. This vision should align with the values and principles of Lean Management, and should be communicated clearly to all stakeholders.

  2. Define the objectives: Once the vision is clear, it is time to define the Breakthrough Objectives. These should be specific, measurable, and achievable, and should align with the organization’s vision. It is also important to prioritize the objectives based on their importance and impact.

  3. Engage all stakeholders: Implementing Breakthrough Objectives is a team effort, and it is crucial to engage all stakeholders in the process. This includes employees, customers, suppliers, and other key partners. By involving these stakeholders, organizations can ensure that their Breakthrough Objectives align with their needs and expectations.

  4. Establish a clear strategy: To achieve the Breakthrough Objectives, a clear strategy must be established. This strategy should include the steps required to achieve the objectives, the resources needed, and the timeline for implementation. The strategy should also include measures for monitoring and evaluating progress.

  5. Provide training and support: To ensure that the Breakthrough Objectives are successfully implemented, employees must be trained and supported. This may include training on Lean Management principles and practices, as well as training on new systems and processes. Employees must also be provided with the resources they need to succeed, including the right tools and equipment.

  6. Monitor and evaluate progress: It is important to regularly monitor and evaluate progress against the Breakthrough Objectives. This helps organizations to identify areas for improvement and make adjustments as needed. By continuously monitoring and evaluating progress, organizations can ensure that they stay on track and make the necessary changes to achieve their goals.

  7. Celebrate success: Finally, it is important to celebrate success when the Breakthrough Objectives are achieved. This helps to reinforce the importance of Lean Management principles and practices, and encourages employees to continue working towards further improvements.

In a nutshell, Breakthrough Objectives are an important tool for driving change in a Lean organization. By following these steps, organizations can successfully implement and adopt Breakthrough Objectives, and achieve truly transformative results. With a clear vision, a solid strategy, and a commitment to continuous improvement, organizations can achieve their goals and achieve Operational Excellence.


Genchi Genbutsu


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