Ergonomic Workplace
An ergonomic workplace is a work system that considers the ergonomic aspects of an operation and the operator such as the operator’s hight, range and reach with the goal that the operator does not need to bend or turn.
The ergonomic workplace goes hand in hand with the work improvement.
Definition and purpose
Reveal waste increasing cost and not adding value.
Find waste in the movement of workers, eliminate/improve, pursue net work adding value.
Worker Movement
Lean Manufacturing and Ergonomics may have different roots and directions but together they can complement each other and define a more efficient and safer workplace.
One of the best person known for focusing on productivity and efficiency in manufacturing processes was Henry Ford with the invention of the modern assembly line. Ford really was focusing on eliminating waste and to cut down unnecessary costs in relation to the manufacturing of his cars.
Toyota is one of the best known companies that has stretched to the maximum the idea of Lean Manufacturing and is now holding the pole position when it comes to the reputation according the elimination of “waste”.
By looking at the Lean Model as well as Work Ergonomics, you clearly see the necessity of both practices in the industrial workplace, as well as observe that both can complement each other.
The 7 types of waste to eliminate include:
The list of TIMWOOD is what Toyota has defined as the seven major types of wastes or non-value-adding activities. The seven wastes do not add any value to the product and the customer in the end is not willing to pay for it. Therefore it is essential to remove as much waste as possible which will have also an effect on the ergonomic workplace and furthermore on the health of the operators.
Some of these things like transport, waiting or unnecessary movement can be reduced to a limit what the operator still needs because as human being the operator is limited by his body.
The Lean Manufacturing initiatives and workplace ergonomics stepped into the manufacturing world at different times and therefore are not fully integrated. But you are perfectly advised by combining the principles of Workplace Ergonomics with Lean Manufacturing initiatives. Through a cooperative assessment and teamwork you have the chance to complement each other in making the workplace more efficient and a safer place.